The Howard University ELITE Models purpose is to advocate the idea of self expression, confidence, & inner beauty. We want to encourage an appreciation for the arts through performance to the public and mentoring through community service. With our dedication and leadership, we will support and uplift the Howard University community and the public.

— Howard University ELITE Models, January 28th, 2015



  • Montrose Tyler is a Howard University Alum from Norfolk, Virginia. He is a singer, songwriter, choreographer and model who founded ELITE with Justin on January 28, 2015 during their sophomore year. With the help of their peers and a strong work ethic, they were able to create an inclusive and creatively driven organization on Howard’s Campus. Since then, ELITE has helped students with their dreams in the fashion industry and beyond.

  • Justin Leonard is a Real Estate Investor and Creative Director from Philadelphia, PA. His passions involve creating wealth and ownership in underserved communities through real estate as well as carving out creative outlets in his communities for self expression through the arts of fashion directing, music collaborations, dance, modeling and most proudly through Howard University ELITE. Founded by Justin Leonard and best friend, Montrose Waite, ELITE serves to provide a space for creatives to nurture and express their artistic abilities while challenging their potential to Exceed Limitations Internally To Externally while pursuing careers in the fashion industry.